Sierra Aikido  

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How You Can Help Our Community Outreach

Sierra's mission is to foster youth development and emotional and physical wellness, by making the practice of Aikido accessible and affordable to all ages, 5 to 70+, and to all socio-economic levels and cultures.

We apply the innate characteristics of Aikido to cultivate, among others:

  • initiative
  • leadership, teamwork and empathy
  • mentoring
  • self-directed learning
  • focus and self-discipline
  • social responsibility and service.

Our goal is to promote community integration by a constant flow of members, instructors, interns training between Sierra-sponsored locations throughout our service area: underserved San Francisco mid-Peninsula communities in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

Sierra Aikido focuses mainly on two sectors: Education: and Wellness:

If you would like to be part of our community outreach services, we would welcome help of all kinds.

  • Check Your Network: Someone in your circle might be connected and able to introduce Sierra to a funding organization or philanthropic individuals.

  • Find Corporate Grants: Provide us information about your company's application process. If an employee can nominate Sierra, great.

  • Recruit New Members: Spread the word to attract new dues-paying members, ages 5 to 70. Members can train and also become volunteer assistant instructors to help with our community programs.

  • Donate Time: We can quickly train volunteers to assist us in our regular classes and our community programs for teens and kids. Adults can learn Aikido or help supervise younger kids without doing Aikido. Teens from East Palo Alto need transportation to our Mountain View dojo to train and do community service in our kids classes.

  • Make Contributions: Individual donations go to our community outreach programs for program development, mats ( $500 each ) and training space.

  • Introduce Sierra to Community Organizations: We seek collaborations with other nonprofits and government agencies with complementary goals in education and physical / emotional health and youth at risk.

Contact Sierra Aikido to help or for answers to your questions.

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