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Sierra Aikido | |||||||
Thus the first two parts of the table are Attacks and Throws. Any attack combines with any throw to become a waza: For example, a partner can attack with mune tsuki and be thrown with ikkyo, shiho nage, kote gaeshi, irimi nage or one of many kokyu nage.
Aikido Term | |||
Romaji | 日本語 | Definition | Examples or Description |
1. ATTACKS | 打ち方 | ||
hanmi handachi | 半身半立ち | half sitting, half standing | Standing uke(受け) attacks seated nage(投げ) |
kata tori | 肩手とり | shoulder grab | Ex. kata tori ikkyo, ushiro kata tori sankyo |
katate tori | 方手取り | one hand grab (same side, as in left hand grabs partner's right wrist) | katate tori shiho nage |
katate kosa tori | 方手取交取り | one hand grab (opposite side) | As in, left hand grab of partner's left wrist |
katatetori ryotemochi | 方手取り両手持ち | grab one wrist with both hands | Ex. katate tori ryote mochi kokyu nage |
mune tsuki | 胸突き | punch or thrust to the chest | Ex. munetsuki kotegaeshi |
ryote tori | 両手取り | grab both hands | Ex. ryote tori tenchi nage |
shomen uchi | 正面打ち | direct strike to the face or front of the head | Ex. shomen uchi ikkyo |
ushiro ( ryo )~kata tori | 後ろ両肩取り | grab (both) shoulder(s) from behind | Ex. ushiro kata tori sankyo |
ushiro tekubi / hiji / kata tori | 後ろ手首/肘・肩取り | grab wrists / elbows / shoulders from behind | Ex. ushiro tekubi tori kotegaeshi, ushiro hiji tori, ushiro kata tori |
yokomen uchi | 横面打ち | strike to the side of the face or head | Ex. yokomen uchi shiho nage |
2. THROWS | 投げ方 | ||
ikkyo ( omote and ura ) | 一挙(表・裏) | first "form" throw | also, nikyo, sankyo, yonkyo, gokyo(二挙・三挙・四挙・ 五挙)for second through fifth form, resp. |
irimi nage | 入り身投げ | "entering" throw | |
jo nage ( or jo tori ) | 杖投げ・杖取り | throwing with, or taking away, the jo (wooden staff) | Set of throwing ( sandan) and takeaway ( yondan) techniques with a jo, generally a black belt exam requirement |
jiyu waza | 自由技 | "free" style | Basic: perform any throw against ryotetori (two-hand grab) attack; Advanced: any throw against any attack |
kaeshi waza | 返し技 | "reversal" throw | Techniques for countering nage's throw |
kaiten nage ( omote and ura ) | 回転投げ(表・裏) | "revolution" throw | Turn of the wheel "revolution", not overthrowing governments |
kokyu nage | 呼吸投げ | "breath" throw | Throws that rely on nage's ki(気), timing, body movement and attacker's speed and strength, rather than joint locks |
kote gaeshi | 小手返し | wrist turn throw | |
randori | 乱取り | attack by multiple, usually 4, uke | Lit., "manage (or handle) chaos", a black belt exam requirement |
shiho nage ( omote and ura ) | 四方投げ(表・裏) | four directions throw | |
sumi otoshi ( omote and ura ) | 隅落とし((表・裏) | "corner" throw | |
tachidori ( bokken tori ) | 太刀取り・木剣取り | sword takeaway waza | Deal with (wooden) sword attacks, generally a nidan exam requirement |
tanto tori | 短刀取り | Samurai knife takeaway waza | Deal with (wooden) knife attacks, generally a shodan exam requirement |
suwari waza | 座り技 | seated techniques | Waza executed while kneeling and moving on one's knees |
tenchi nage ( omote and ura ) | 天地投げ(表・裏) | heaven-earth throw | |
udekime nage ( omote and ura ) |
腕決め投げ(表・裏) | armpit / upper-arm throw | |
3. EXERCISES | 運動 | ||
fune kogi undo | 船漕ぎ運動 | rowing exercise | Fundamental body motion that's the basis for throwing from the hips (koshi) rather than upper body |
hojo walk | 法城 | posture, moving and breathing exercise during warmups | Zen Buddhist term meaning (very approximately) "Buddha's Way" |
koho tento | 後方転倒 | back roll practice | |
kokyu ho ( kokyu dosa ) | 呼吸方・呼吸動さ | breath exercise | Done in a kneeling position (seiza) at the end of class |
misogi ( okinaga ) | 禊 (御気長) | purification breathing | Breathing exercise at the end of classes |
sayu undo | 左右運動 | left-to-right exercise | Preparation for one kokyu nage |
shikko | 執行 | "samurai", or knee, walking | Preparation for suwari waza |
tai no henko | 体の変更 | turning exercise, with or without a partner | Turning the body while staying on balance and keeping one or both arms extended in front of the body |
4. Japanese Words + Phrases used in Day-to-Day Practice | |||
arigato | ありがとう | thank you | Two versions: |
ashi hakobi | 足運び | move the feet | Martial way of walking by sliding the feet to keep contact with the earth, rather than stepping |
ashi sabaki | 裁き | moving the feet, forwards or backwards |
bokken | 木剣 | wooden sword | ken, tachi or katana, generic name for a (real) Japanese sword forged by traditional Japanese swordsmithing techniques |
enbu | 演武 | demonstration or performance of martial arts skills | Used at Sierra Aikido in lieu of rank exams! |
hanmi | 半身 | stance | Lit., half body, as in facing forward with left or right foot forward, in left or right hanmi, respectively |
hanmi handachi | 半身半立ち | half standing | techniques with standing uke attacking a kneeling nage |
happo giri | 八方切り | eight directions cut, also shiho giri: 4 directions cut | Cutting & parrying practice with the bokken |
hara | 腹 | center of the body, just below the navel | |
jiyu waza | 自由技 | freestyle throwing | Usually rytotetori kokyunage techniques, but optimally practiced with all types of attacks |
jo | 杖 | wooden staff | Originally an armpit-high, thrusting spear (yari(槍) with a 2-foot blade |
kaiten | 回転 | pivot 180o in place | Turn 180o without moving the feet, e.g. munetsuki kaiten nage |
kamae | 構え | stance | Formal posture for attacking or awaiting attack, e.g. chudan kamae |
kata | 形 | Solitary practice or exercise | jo / bokken kata |
katana, tachi, ken | 刀、太刀、剣 | ( Japanese ) sword | ken, tachi or katana, names for a (real, forged Japanese) sword |
keiko | 稽古 | training, practice | Implies martial arts or physical (sports) training |
kiai | 気合 | energy | Both physical and psychic energy for dealing with life |
kiru | 切る | kill, cut with a sword | shiho giri, happo giri |
kohai | 後輩 | junior student, i.e. one having less experience than a senpai | See also senpai |
kokyu | 呼吸 | breath or breathing, putting out ki | kokyu nage, kokyu ho |
koshi | 腰 | hip or buttocks | Throwing with the koshi instead of arm and upper body muscles |
kumi~ | 組 | Paired ( weapons practice or exercises ) | kumijo, kumitachi(組杖・組太刀) |
kyu & dan | 級・段 | rank, level or grade in martial arts: | kyu - colored belts, 6th or 5th through 1st kyu (descending) dan - black belts, e.g. yudansha(有段者): |
ma'ai | 間合い | interval | Managing space (and time!); the proper physical, temporal and energy distance between nage and uke for attack and defense |
men | 面 | face or head | e.g. mentsuki - strike the face |
metsuke | 目付 | eye line | Keep head erect and focus eyes on the middle distance |
mochi | 持ち | hold, have | ryote mochi: hold with both hands |
nage | 投げ | a throw or person throwing | shiho nage, irimi nage |
onegai shimasu | お願いします | please, a request | As in "please work (train) with me" |
omote or irimi | 表・入り身 | front entry | shiho nage, omote |
(o)rei, reishiki | (御)礼・礼式 | etiquette, ceremony | Ex. bowing in/out at the start and end of class, resp. |
ryo | 両 | both | ryote tori, ryote mochi |
sabaki | 裁き | body alignment, way of moving | Align all or part of the body, see ashi sabaki ( align the feet ) |
seiza | 星座 | traditional formal Japanese sitting, on the knees | |
senpai | 先輩 | senior student, i.e. having more experience | See also kohai |
sensei | 先生 | teacher | Head instructor is Sensei; all other instructors are only addressed as Sensei when they are teaching and on the mat |
shiho giri | 四方切り | four directions cut, also happo giri: 8 directions cut | Cutting & parrying practice with the bokken |
tanto | 短刀 | Samurai knife, lit. short sword | tanto tori waza deal with knife attacks |
te | 手 | hand | |
tekubi | 手首 | wrist | Ex. ushiro tekubi tori kotegaeshi |
tenkan | 転換 | turn (the body) | Pivot (kaiten) and step back |
tori | 取り | take, grasp | katate tori, ryote tori |
uchi | 打ち | strike | shomen uchi, yokomen uchi attacks |
uke | 受け | receive, i.e. person being thrown, the attacker | |
ukemi | 受身 | the art of attacking, following and taking the fall | "Partner's ukemi is good; we have to work on our ukemi" |
ura, ushiro | 裏・後ろ | entry to the back or rear of the partner | ikkyo ura, ushiro tekubi tori |
waza | 技 | technique | partner techniques, i.e. Aikido has very few standalone kata outside of the weapons arts |
yudansha | 有段者 | Black belt holders | |
zanshin | 残心 | connection or focus | Maintain zanshin with your partner throughout the waza or training session |
zengo | 前後 | rolling forward and back | zengo undo |
arigatoo, kokyuu hoo, doosa, koohai, shikkoo, ryoo, joo, shihoo nage, undoo, jiyuu waza, tantoo, koohoo, tentoo, sayuu, kyuu (the rank). The rest of the words are pronounced phonetically, except pronounce the following words without the "u": onegai shimass (not "shimasoo"); munetski (not "munetsooki")
See also An English-Japanese Aikido Lexicon for a similar exercise from a different perspective, the words broken down to individual meanings.
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